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Father Songs


Father; I'm Walking Through The Fields, Where We Walked Long Ago


I’m walking thru the fields where we walked long ago,

in summers thru tall pasture grass. In winters thru deep drifted snow.


You taught me to delight in everything along the way,

special rocks, walking sticks, little baby animals, sunsets at the end of every day.


You taught me to work cleverly, you showed me to work hard.

You helped me build play houses, and a sand box in the yard.


You loved every season, delighted as they'd come and go,

measuring each rain drop, building sculptures with each snow.


You showed me how to laugh and you showed me how to cry.

You seldom let a moment of your life just pass you by.


There always is a part of you in everything I do.

As I look back, I see there is a part of you in me.


Laird Fetzer Hamblin

Laird Fetzer HamblinFather; I'm Walking Through The Fields, Where We Walked Long Ago


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